Interview Question

Ø  Explain - end to end cycle for campaign management
Ø  campaign management or account management – what is the difference?
Ø   how do you improve the performance of the campaign?
Ø   how do you check creative is working fine
Ø  campaign is under pacing - what do you do.. how do you improve the pacing?
Ø  in DFA how would you do it - which option would you go for to improve pacing?
Ø  why does a campaign under performs.  what do you think can be a reason for that? give at least 3 examples.
Ø   Do you think the bid value has linked with under pacing. How is it linked to under pacing?
Ø  DFA as a product - how comfortable are you with the tool.
Ø  what do you know about DFA. 
Ø   Explain the difference in DFA and DFP
Ø  Do you think DFA is an ad exchange
Ø  If I’m Honda - how will should I measure the performance of my campaign. 
Ø  when do you prefer a CPA campaign? which client would use it
Ø   if you’re using the Microsoft platform, and Google platform.. why would discrepancy take place in different platforms. What is the reason
Ø  why would you want to join a support role? support is more technical so why this role?
Ø  what will Accenture or Google get from your experience.  What would you bring to our companies
Ø   Do you know about Rich media creative? which tool do you use to create Rich Media creative.
Ø   How would you create value in this engagement?
Ø  Are you based in HYD?
Ø   what is your notice period?
Ø  Do you have questions for me?
Ø  How comfortable are you with Trafficking? give us the technical steps?
Ø  what is the end output of the trafficking process?
Ø  What does tags mean? what do they do?
Ø  what does setting up the campaign mean?
Ø  What is a click tag?
Ø   Whom do you give this tag too?
Ø  Take me through experience as a trafficker.
Ø  explain the typical trafficking process.
Ø  what can go wrong in trafficking?
Ø  what kind of tags are available in DFA?
Ø  what is the difference in the JavaScript tag or HTML tag?
Ø  where is JavaScript tag preferred?
Ø   Give examples of where which type of tag is used?
Ø  which tag would you prefer for rich media creative?
Ø  Where would you use the iframe tag?
Ø   what is floodlight? what does it do? (tracks the user activity.. what did the user do)
Ø    when does floodlight tag not fire? what could be the reasons?
Ø  Suppose URL was hard coded, how will floodlight react?

Ø   how do you verify and QA for placement check in DFA? 

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